By Melany Moore & Nancy Cole

The Friends of Bear Creek Stables hosted two training sessions in June at Bear Creek Stables.  Summit Rider Katja Wick organized our two great speakers: Erica Berg owner of Jade’s Place in Santa Cruz and Chris Smith, Santa Cruz County Large Animal Evac Unit Coordinator, retired Vet technician Trainer with 40 years experience, equestrian trail patrol volunteer in San Mateo County, SCCHA & SRHA member.

Nancy Cole, Katja Wick, and Melany Moore were present and helped support the speakers and lead the walk around the Stables with Gary Ashford of BCS management. The Stables tour focused on fire safety and highlighted the fire extinguishers, Shelter in Place Shed  ( organized & stocked by Friends of BCS ), emergency P.G.& E. panel shut off, fire hoses and their locations plus the various gates to close in the event of a “shelter in place” at the Stables. 

The speakers focused on practical advice in a wildfire emergency. Chris brought her “Go Bag” and her Equine First-aid tote stocked with essential items, Sharpie pen & paper, a mask, bandana, head lamp, extra batteries, vet wrap, wound disinfectant, wound cream, banamine, water, duct tape, an extra rope halter/ lead rope,and her horse’s daily medications.  She helped us mentally prepare to keep calm and have a plan in place, before the emergency. Both speakers recommended having a couple places to haul your horses, out of the area, in the event of a major wildfire.  Erica stressed keeping all stables fire ready with a minimum of 20’ roads cleared of debris, having a tractor and ideally a water truck on site, during fire season. Erica told us to avoid the wide nylon halters, because during extreme heat, the halters will melt onto the horse’s face.

We learned so much from our wonderful speakers this year!

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